Holidaze II: Electric Boogaloo

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening to the interweb folks out there.

Work’s been going slow and steady so far. Not really much to report at the moment besides some super fun Internet Explorer 11 issues that I’ll definitely explore in a future post. For now all I’m going to say about that is

Why the FUCK are people still using Internet Explorer in 2019? Do you hate yourself? Are you tied down and being forced to use it?

I’ve been slowly upgrading my cubicle with better hardware one month at a time so that at some point I can smoothly connect and work from just about anywhere. The digital nomad dream.



I’ve hit a few concerts towards the end of Q3 that were pretty good.

Like this fucking guy


Bought a Switch and got hardcore back into Smash like my old ranked days in Melee. And speaking of that I may or may not go off into an extended rant about how broken some of the classic character hitboxes are, and how certain combos that were so smooth in Smash are now either unusable or too damn slow to use because of how much longer the knockdown recovery invincibility time is. It feels like an extra 0.3 seconds, maybe more. And even in casual play, if you’ve ever played Melee regularly you’ll definitely feel that as a pain point with the new Smash. But I digress, onto other shit right?


I have some plans in motion now to ring in the new year in a far-off place so that should be fun. And having a companion with an equally shitty sense of humor as myself there makes it that much more entertaining.


Looking back to the holiday season back in 2015. Things have definitely gotten better since then. I’m lucky enough to have broken out of the wage-slave cycle and bills are more or less automated now. It’s amazing how much stress was lifted off my back once I graduated and started working for a bigger company, despite the petty corporate bs that came with the territory. I’m content now to just exist with a shit-eating grin and live life to the max outside of work. Think weekend warrior but 24/7.

All right that’s all I got people. See ya next year and keep on fighting the good fight.

The Myth of the Sinking Ship II: A Way Out

Escape fate at all costs.


So once again, there’s a certain freedom in taking the power back. To become autonomous is to become whole once again.

I’ve found a passage to the next gig. It’s a massive pay bump as well, and close to home and the nightlife district.


Once I’m settled into the new gig after a month or so, I’m gonna tear this town a new one over a weekend or two.


Professionally, I’m not allowed to say “fuck you” to past employers because it looks bad and it’s generally frowned upon amongst the pasty whitebread-ass motherfuckers making and setting all the rules at the top of the corporate game. But here, on this blog, it’s a bit more relaxed. I am running this one-man circus show. Therefore, “fuck you” to a certain past employer. Why? Because I can.