Into the Flood Again

Well, happy New Years everyone. As they say, new year, new me.

I had a relatively restful past 2 weeks off work which was nice. At this point any time off I get I consider a win. What I find funny is that last week (my first week back to work), my brain basically was turned off and still in standby mode 24 hours a day. I still went through the most basic motions of work to make it appear that something was getting done, but internally that part of me had to lie dormant because I wasn’t psychologically prepared to dive back into the office. Today however I finally came out of the shell and thank goodness; now I know my brain still works to some degree.

Anyways, I’ve resolved to a few things this year. More fitness, more traveling, and more gaming. Gonna keep the goals simple this year. I find as I get older that it’s crucial to be nice to myself and treat myself like a human being, even if that doesn’t always happen externally. It’s a core aspect of maintaining a healthy psyche I think. There are still parts of myself that I’m sorting through and figuring out; my development isn’t quite done and will require ongoing work.

Over and out.

Holidaze II: Electric Boogaloo

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening to the interweb folks out there.

Work’s been going slow and steady so far. Not really much to report at the moment besides some super fun Internet Explorer 11 issues that I’ll definitely explore in a future post. For now all I’m going to say about that is

Why the FUCK are people still using Internet Explorer in 2019? Do you hate yourself? Are you tied down and being forced to use it?

I’ve been slowly upgrading my cubicle with better hardware one month at a time so that at some point I can smoothly connect and work from just about anywhere. The digital nomad dream.



I’ve hit a few concerts towards the end of Q3 that were pretty good.

Like this fucking guy


Bought a Switch and got hardcore back into Smash like my old ranked days in Melee. And speaking of that I may or may not go off into an extended rant about how broken some of the classic character hitboxes are, and how certain combos that were so smooth in Smash are now either unusable or too damn slow to use because of how much longer the knockdown recovery invincibility time is. It feels like an extra 0.3 seconds, maybe more. And even in casual play, if you’ve ever played Melee regularly you’ll definitely feel that as a pain point with the new Smash. But I digress, onto other shit right?


I have some plans in motion now to ring in the new year in a far-off place so that should be fun. And having a companion with an equally shitty sense of humor as myself there makes it that much more entertaining.


Looking back to the holiday season back in 2015. Things have definitely gotten better since then. I’m lucky enough to have broken out of the wage-slave cycle and bills are more or less automated now. It’s amazing how much stress was lifted off my back once I graduated and started working for a bigger company, despite the petty corporate bs that came with the territory. I’m content now to just exist with a shit-eating grin and live life to the max outside of work. Think weekend warrior but 24/7.

All right that’s all I got people. See ya next year and keep on fighting the good fight.



I’m back. Above is an emulator I’ve been replaying Fire Red on for my iPhone during my vacation. It’s decent enough, but I’d like to see what other titles are out there. And possibly reinstall it since the iOS 11 update busted its functionality.


So it turns out I never used any of my 2 week vacation time since Labor Day. In that spirit, I decided to take off most of this month off from work for some serious R&R. It’s been about a week since I was last in the office and I’m gradually getting some sanity/sleep back. There’s a deep sense of calm now when waking up everyday. Something I haven’t experienced probably since the first semester of college.

I spent the better part of the past 2 years sleeping 4 hours a night, grinding through the caverns of CS and side projects/jobs and hardly rewarded myself. Was it hell? At times yeah. My rationale at the time was to take no prisoners and move forward everyday no matter what. But I guess you could say that despite having a hot furnace, I lacked the fuel to execute this mentality day in and day out. Something like running on fumes if you will. Very…modern art.

Anyways, the past 6 days or so I’ve been getting on average about 18-20 hours of sleep per night according to my Fitbit. I’ve also been caffeine free for about 2 weeks now which has been a weird adjustment period. It’s strange since I never formally stopped coffee or made a gradual transition to stopping it. It’s just that I woke up one day last month, fairly well-rested, and forgot to bring my K cups to work. That cycle of forgetting has pretty much continued up until now, but it’s weirdly better in some way I can’t explain.

My vacation plans involve Netflix binges, a planned hike, a concert in downtown, and perhaps a few games of darts/pool with my neighbors. Nothing flashy quite yet. I’m more the type to actively NOT seek out random big events, flying to faraway places, fancy dinners, etc.